After doing the Instagram stories of my ENTIRE day, I wanted to share our general timeline in writing on the blog. It’s already a little different now (babies change so fast), but generally this is how our day looks.
6:15am- wakes up, diaper change, and eats a 6oz bottle of Hipp formula then goes back to sleep until about 8am
8am- wake up and eat breakfast (usually pb toast, scrambled eggs, or oatmeal with blueberries)
play time and usually change his diaper somewhere in there
9:30am- 6oz bottle of Hipp formula
11am- first of two naps. change his diaper, put him in this sleep sack, and read 2 books. Usually sleeps anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours
12pm- wake up and play
12:30pm- 6oz bottle of Hipp formula
At this time of day, we usually have plans with a friend or family member, or we run errands and walk to the park. It’s our time of day to get out of the house for 1-3 hours. I change his diaper in the car before we head back home.
3:30pm- second nap of the day. Put him in this sleep sack, change his diaper, put him in this sleep sack, and read 2 books. Usually sleeps anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours, and read 2 books. Usually sleeps anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours.
4:45pm- wake up and play
5/5:30pm- Adam gets home from work
Play time
6pm- we eat dinner together, Fischer usually eats what we are eating or another leftover from that week
Play time
6:30pm- 6oz bottle of Hipp formula
6:50pm- Bath time
7:15pm- get him dressed for bed, put his Owlet on his foot, read Fischer a few books, then we say goodnight and get him down in his crib right around 7:30pm